Oridermyl is indicated for cats and dogs.It is for the treatments of mixed otitis externa of bacterial, fungal and parasiticorigin respectively due to bacterial strains sensitive to neomycin, yeast or fungi sensitive to nystatin and ear mites sensitive to permethrin.Kill earmite very fast and efficient
Composition:Each gram of Oridermyl contains:
Permethrin………………………………….10 mg
Neomycin (as sulphate)………………3,500
IUTriamcinolone acetonide…………..1 mg
Indications:Oridermyl is indicated for cats and dogs. It is for the treatments of mixed otitis externa of bacterial, fungal and parasitic origin respectively due to bacterial strains sensitive to neomycin, yeast or fungi sensitive to nystatin and ear mites sensitive to permethrin.
Do not use in animals with perforated tympanic membrane.Do not use in cats weighing less than 1.5 kg.
Minor irritation may occur following administration. If irritation persists or worsens, administration should be stopped.In dogs, particularly older dogs, temporary deafness has been observed in very rare cases. In cats, neurological symptoms such as ataxia and tremors have been observed in very rare cases. If such symptoms occur, administration of the product must be stopped.
Dosage and administration:Oridermyl is for the auricular route. The recommended daily dosage is a pea-sized quantity by auricular route once daily for 21 days. A pea-sized quantity corresponds to approximately 0.3 g of gel, containing 1050 IU of neomycin, 3.0 mg of permethrin, 30,000 IU of nystatin, and 0.3 mg of triamcinolone acetonide. After cleaning the external ear, introduce a pea-sized quantity of Oridermyl and massage the base of the ear gently. Clean any surplus product from the ear flap.